Glorious Reasons to Eat Fresh Fruits

People around the world have enjoyed fruits for thousands of years. Back then, little did we know that we were consuming a powerful array of nutrients crucial for longevity and quality of life. Fruits are universally accepted healthy foods that must be included as part of a balanced diet. People who eat a variety of fruits regularly are more likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Fruits provide nutrients that are vital for the health of your body and mind. There are so many reasons to eat plenty of fruit every day. A growing body of research proves that fruits are critical to promoting good health. In fact, fruits should be the foundation of a healthy diet. Fruits can serve as the most robust type of snacks once could indulge in. They come packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals, and a wide variety of antioxidants. Because of this, eating plenty of fruits and every day can help reduce your risk of:

Heart Diseases

High Blood Pressure

Type II Diabetes

Certain Cancers

It’s a common notion that fresh fruits are expensive, but think about the price you pay for the takeout meals or that packet of potato chips that will affect your overall health in the long run. The real benefit of replacing unhealthy snacks with fruits is the fact that you are becoming much healthier. There is no way to put a price on your health.

Here are quick facts about the benefits of fruits:

Fruits supply dietary fiber, and fiber intake is linked to a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Fruits are low in calories and fats. In addition to this, fruits are also a source of simple sugars, fiber, and vitamins, which are essential for optimizing our health.

Fruits are a source of soluble dietary fiber that helps take up the good cholesterol levels, ward off fats from the body and also helps keep your digestive system healthy, further relieving you from constipation and other related issues.

Fruits are rich in minerals that are known to benefit the digestive tract.

Vitamin C, present in abundance in most fruits, helps the immune system to stay strong and healthy.

Phytonutrients are abundant in fruits and help to protect the body from tissue damage.

Fruits provide plenty of soluble dietary fiber

With all these wonderful health benefits there are some things we need to take care of.

Fruits still contain naturally occurring sugar and too much of it may influence your insulin and glucose levels in a bad way. So those who have diabetes or want to lose some excess weight or those who find that losing weight is becoming difficult may want to stay away from excessive consumption of fruits.

Keep seasonal fruits your preferred choice when it comes to your daily intake. When in doubt search ‘which fruits are seasonal’ to your particular area where you are living.

Spectacular Benefits of Fruits

1. Cardiovascular Health

Fresh fruits are rich in potassium. Potassium is particularly dominant in bananas and they help the body in maintaining healthy blood pressure. When you choose a diet that is rich in fruits, you have a chance of lowering the risk of heart diseases.

2. Lowering of Blood Cholesterol

Fruits contain fibers that have dual functions. Remember that fibres help in the catabolic process of the body. This can lower cholesterol in the body and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

3. Fruits May Reduce the Risk of Cancer

It will interest you to know that one of the benefits of fresh fruits is that they help reduce the risk of some cancers.

Fruits can add an extra layer of protection against critical diseases because of the presence of antioxidants that are natural free radical scavengers. Particularly, the lycopene that is found in tomatoes can help in preventing the development of prostate cancer.

4. Fruits Improve Vision

Eating fresh fruits can prevent a lot of sight-related problems. To be precise, you can keep cataracts and macular degeneration at bay when you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The reason for this can be attributed to Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are found in fresh fruits, a study has revealed.

Eating fresh fruits can prevent a lot of sight-related problems

5. Fruits Consumption Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

When you eat green leafy vegetables and fruit, you will have a reduced chance of developing diabetes. Eating fibre-rich fruits and veggies is a natural deterrent to consuming too many processed foods that can create a weight issue as well. So many people are suffering from diabetes and most of them will give anything to be free from it. You stand an opportunity to avoid that.

6. Fruits Bring About Better Digestive Health

This is where fiber comes into focus. With fruits that come with lots of fiber content, you are going to enjoy better digestive health. It will keep you comfortable and you can avoid constipation.

7. Fresh Fruits Cannot Make You Fat

People erroneously think that fruits can make you fat because they contain natural sugars. The truth is that the sugar in fruits doesn’t have the same effect on the body as other kinds of sugars added to our food.

Fruits contain fiber, phytochemicals, and micronutrients, which help to process the natural sugar in fruits and slow the rate of its introduction to the bloodstream.

8. Fresh Fruits Boost Brainpower

Oxidative stress and inflammation can negatively affect brain function and memory in humans. Anthocyanins can help in reducing the above deficiencies and they are found in fruits. This is probably the reason why it is widely believed that fruits help in keeping your brain sharp.

Therefore, do yourself a favor and get some fruit. Your future can depend on how much fruit you consume now!

Fruits contain fiber, phytochemicals, and micronutrients

9. Fresh Fruits Can Be Beneficial To Diabetic Patients

Most times, it is said that diabetic patients should stay away from fruits because they contain certain amounts of carbohydrates. But you cannot completely stop the intake of fruits for diabetic patients.

Doing this intake will mean that you are effectively cutting out important vitamins and minerals. The patients will be worse off without them. A controlled intake won’t hurt once you have checked with your diabetologist.

10. Reduction in the risk of developing kidney stones and bone loss

Fruits contain enough potassium which helps in reducing the risk of developing kidney stones. More so, potassium can help decrease bone loss when you start growing old.

Don’t forget that it also reduces the risk of developing heart diseases and stroke as already mentioned above. If you want to avert these outcomes, you should make fruits your daily companions.

11. Formation of Red Blood Cells

Fresh fruits contain folate otherwise known as folic acid. Folate helps the body in the formation of red blood cells. This is needed mostly by pregnant women or those who may be planning a family. The reason is that it will help in the prevention of neural tube birth defects.

Fresh fruits contain folate otherwise known as folic acid

12. Presence of Carotenoids

Finally, fruits especially those with orange color, are very high in carotenoids. The carotenoids include alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. The body acts and converts beta-carotene into vitamin A which provides you with good eye health, strong immune system, and healthy skin.


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